Executive Roles

Duties of the President:

  1. Ensure that the club is providing service to its members in accordance with the club’s purpose and constitution and with the BC Societies Act.
  2. Oversee the activities of the executive.
  3. Organize the annual October Wine & Cheese, ensuring the venue is booked in May and that the plan is prepared and duties assigned by early September.
  4. Initiate discussions around strategies for the future of the club, including retaining existing members and attracting new members.
  5. Coordinate the recruitment of volunteers for the executive as necessary.
  6. Chair the AGM, regular executive meetings and other membership meetings and offer input.
  7. Represent and be the contact for the club with the general public, club members, external organizations and official groups such as CCBC, and Nordiq Canada.
  8. Compose the President’s Message for the club’s monthly newsletters.
  9. Monitor incoming emails from website and redirect or respond as needed.
  10. Provide support and problem-solving to individual executive members in their respective roles.

Duties of the Vice President:

  1. Assist the President in carrying out club functions.
  2. Book venues for club meetings and develop program for membership meetings (speakers).
  3. Carry out special projects as appropriate and assigned by the executive.
  4. Attend executive meetings and offer input.
  5. Coordinate and report on promotional strategies.
  6. Assume duties of the president in their absence.

Duties of the Secretary:

  1. Take and distribute minutes.
  2. Oversee correspondence with members, as necessary.
  3. Update the BC Societies website with annual registration fee payment, executive membership changes, and AGM dates.
  4. Maintain an archive of club minutes, AGM minutes and correspondence as well as the club constitution and by-laws.
  5. Attend executive meetings and offer input.

Duties of the Treasurer:

  1. Oversee the club’s finances.
  2. Establish relationship with bank/financial institution.
  3. Deposit members’ payments made outside Zone4 and issue refunds once they have been approved by the Board. 
  4. Prepare and circulate financial statements to the executive.
  5. Coordinate signing of cheques (second signatory) and pay bills incurred by the club.
  6. Pay bills incurred by the club.
  7. Coordinate signing of cheques, and approval of Interac and wire transfers (second signatory).
  8. Backup administrator for the Club’s account on Zone4.
  9. Attend executive meetings and offer input.

Duties of the Trip Coordinator:

  1. Prepare the club touring schedule and budget for the season.
  2. Arrange a list of capable tour leaders and inform them of their responsibilities.
  3. Book accommodation and transportation for each of the club’s trips.
  4. Bring to the attention of the executive any problems concerning club trips.
  5. Provide the Newsletter Editor/Web Administrator with a trip schedule.
  6. Report to the executive the status of trips on an ongoing basis.
  7. Attend executive meetings and offer input.
  8. Prepare Trip Schedule with input from, and for final approval by the Executive.
  9. Book accommodation.
  10. Book bus & shuttles.
  11. Prepare trip budgets based on hotel & bus costs (Excel) for approval by Executive.
  12. Recruit trip leaders (with input/assistance from Exec), brief new trip leaders and support trip leaders if they have questions.
  13. Prepare trip leader information packages for Wine & Cheese event:
    • Gather early registrations from Exec members & Trip Leaders & include this info on sign-up sheet (Excel) for each trip.
    • Prepare Trip Information sheet for each trip (details hotel booking information (contact, cost, deposits, cancellation policy etc.) and bus info.
    • Trip Leader Instructions (step-by-step instructions for Trip Leaders; this document might need some minor tweaks and updates from year to year).
  14. Provide updates about trips to Newsletter Editor.
  15. Provide trip information & updates to Webmaster to post on the website.
  16. Throughout the season, monitor conditions and trip enrolment and raise trip issues with exec re go/no-go decisions due to low-enrolment or bad weather/road condition.
  17. **Collect ideas and suggestions for trip/destinations (Exec/membership).
  18. **Research new destinations (i.e. when we have an idea, research accommodations, schedules, facilities etc. and other things we might need) and bus or other services as needed.

**Activities that could be handled by other Exec members and/or club members.

Duties of the Membership Chair:

August / September- create new Membership registration form.

1.Register club settings with CCBC in Zone4 (info needed)

  • Club Website
  • Public email and phone # and city: (we have used the President’s email, phone # and city)
  • Bank Account (this should be continued from previous years)
  • Nordiq Canada Affiliation
    • Club name
    • Member of CCBC & Nordiq Canada
    • Primary Contact person info – President name
    • City (city to public email are President’s info)
    • Mailing address
    • Phone
    • Public email
    • Website
    • Programs offered: (AGM, club events, club coordinated excursions (hiking weekends in summer).

2. Create Zone4 membership form

  • Use last year’s Membership form as template and update information in existing fields. Add / remove fields as necessary.
  • Test the form and ask other Exec members to test as well.
  • Apply to Zone4 for “go-live” status

3. Create Zone4 Reports

  • Current Members report – for Exec and Trip Leaders – email link for this report to Exec members and TL’s to enable checking member status
  • New Members report – for newsletter chair to add new email addresses to the mailout list from previous year.

4. Manual entry of Lifetime members’ information into zone4 database: As of 21/22 season Lifetime members are:

Mo Iqbal, Diane Fast, Elly Brok, Mary Gerry, Anna Bentley, Brian O’Dwyer. (Note: it has been policy for last few years not to enter the Lifetime members name unless they attend a ski trip. But keep their email address on the mail-out list so they continue to receive club newsletters and other mailouts).


5. Create Zone4 online registration forms for all upcoming ski season trips, day and weekend. Use previous year forms as templates for current year’s trips.

– Send links for all forms to the Trip Coordinator and to respective Trip Leader’s to track online signups for their trips.

Throughout the season

6. Report membership numbers to Exec

7. Use Zone4 membership database to track member information (i.e., add a database field or fields to track unusual / unanticipated information)

Duties of Social Coordinator

  1. Facilitate member social interaction and connection outside of club sanctioned ski trips.
  2. Secure an appropriate venue for Club Social evenings.
  3. Organize 3-4 evening Club socials including finding guest speakers and providing snacks.
  4. Create a welcoming environment for new members at Club Socials and events.
  5. Promote and communicate social events via eblasts, newsletter and website, connecting with Newsletter Editor and Club Webmaster.
  6. Coordinate payment of facility and re-imbursements of supplies with Club Treasurer.
  7. Promote member participation and engagement in organizing club socials, summer events, communication tools/surveys.
  8. Save information of past and present speakers and efforts in securing a venue for future use.
  9. Attend Executive meetings and offer input.

Duties of the Newsletter Editor:

  1. Gather reports and photos from executive members and trip leaders for the monthly newsletter.
  2. Design the monthly newsletter and distribute to club members by email using MailChimp website.
  3. Send the announcement of the AGM to current registered members.
  4. Prepare other promotional materials such as the membership brochure, as required.
  5. Maintain archive of club newsletters on MailChimp.  The Webmaster also stores old newsletters on the club website.
  6. Maintain the mailing list of club members on MailChimp using input from Zone4. (This should be updated every time an email message is distributed.)
  7. Create events on EventBrite to manage attendance at the annual Wine & Cheese and the AGM.
  8. Attend executive meetings and offer input.

Duties of the Webmaster:

  1. Ensure content is backed up and available for recovery.
  2. Ensure WordPress updates are done on a regular basis.
  3. Update plugins, as required.
  4. Update pages and posts with current content, as required.
  5. Add/remove tabs and info regarding Covid-19, as required.
  6. Update menus.
  7. Update calendars.
  8. Review website contents for correct spelling and grammar, revise as required.
  9. Ensure all links are correct and functional.
  10. Upload and link photos to appropriate pages/posts.
  11. Update Zone4 links annually.
  12. Ensure layouts are viewable in all formats i.e., desktop, tablet, and mobile. Revise if required.
  13. Ensure all links across the website link to current information.
  14. Upload links to newsletters.
  15. Ensure domain and hosting services are paid on time and are up to date.
  16. Add/update/remove events information.
  17. Manage email accounts and solve email-related problems.

Duties of Members-at-Large:

  1. Attend meetings and participate in discussion on club affairs.
  2. Contribute to the meetings by putting forth ideas for consideration.
  3. Volunteer for tasks which are mutually agreed upon at club board meetings. 
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